Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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A role is intended for assigning a group of users individual rights and permissions for administration, management and/or monitoring of individual components of C-Werk.

To create a new role, do the following:

  1. At the end of the list of system roles, click the Create link. The new role will be added to the system, with its properties displayed on the right side.
  2. Configure the access permissions.

    ParametersAccess levelDescription
    NameEnter a name for the role (1)
    Map controlSelect the access level to the maps for users with the current role (2)
    Map management

    No accessUsers cannot view maps
    View onlyUsers can only view maps
    View/move/scaleUsers can views, move, and scale maps
    Full accessAll operations with map are available


    Archive depth viewing restrictionIf you need to limit the access of users of a given role to all system archives, you can specify the archive depth limit in hours (3). If no limit is set, users may view all video recordings
    Access to Functions Set access permissions to C-Werk functions (4)
    Access to confidential commentsYesAdd and view confidential comments

    Access to Search in archive mode 


    Archive search (see Video surveillance in archive search mode)

    Adding camera to layout in monitoring modeYes 

    Add a camera to a layout in live video mode (see Adding cameras to cells)

    Adding/editing presetsYes

    Add and edit presets for PTZ cameras (see Selecting a preset)

    Alarms processing

    Alarms management (see Video surveillance in alarm management mode)

    No accessUsers have no access to alarm videos
    View onlyUsers can view alarm videos, but they can't assess alarms
    Full accessUsers can view alarm videos and assess alarms
    Allow comments in archiveCreate comments in the archive (see Operator comments) and protected records (see Protecting video footage from FIFO overwriting)
    No accessNo comments allowed
    CreateAdd comments to the archive
    Create/ProtectAdd comments to the archive, create protected records
    Create/Protect/ Edit and deleteAdd comments to the archive, create and edit protected records
    Allow to delete recordsYes

    Remove video recordings from the archive (see Delete a part of an archive)

    Allow unprotected exportYes

    Export frames and video recordings without password protection (see Frame export, Standard video recordings export). Set No to require setting a password when exporting (see Exporting frames and video recordings)


    Export frames and video recordings (see Exporting frames and video recordings)

    Layouts editingYes

    Edit layouts (see Editing layouts)

    Minimize to taskbarYes

    Minimize the Client to the tray (see Interface of the C-Werk Software Package)

    Operating domainYes

    Manage Domain (see Domain operations)

    Permissions to access via WebUIYes

    Access to the Web-Server (see Working with C-Werk through the Web-Client)

    Show captionsYes

    Display captions (see Viewing titles from POS terminals)

    Show facesYes

    Showing faces (see Masking faces)

    System logYes

    View the system log (see The System Log)

    Unlock camera menu buttonYes

    Context menu of a video camera (see Viewing Tile Context Menu)

    View masked videoYes

    View masked video (see Setting up privacy masking in Video Footage, Specific settings for People masking detection tool)

    Access to InterfacesConfigure the access permissions to the interfaces (5)
    Group panelsYes

    Configure the access permissions to video camera groups in the Hardware tab and to the video camera groups in the Layouts interface

    Layouts tabYes

    Configure the access permissions to the Layouts tab. This parameter applies to both the Client and the Web-Client (see Web-Client GUI)

    Objects panel and Camera search panelYes

    Configure the access permissions to the Objects panel (see Objects Panel) and the Camera search panel (see Camera Search Panel)

    Access to Settings
    Archive settingsYes

    Configure the access permissions to the Settings tabs and to the system error messages (6).


    • Error messages are displayed in real-time in the Layouts interface.

    • If you set the User Permission settings parameter to Device access rights only, all users of the given role will have the rights to change only the access rights to the connected devices.
    • If the Programming setup is not available for the user role, the user will not be able to use the created macros until the appropriate rights are granted.
    • Critical error messages in the system, such as "Insufficient network bandwidth", are displayed regardless of the Show error messages setting.
    Detection settingsYes
    Device settingsYes
    Options settingsYes
    Programming settingsYes
    Show error messagesYes
    User Permission settingsYes

    Specify additional information about the user, if necessary (7). If no value is specified, users can view all videos

    Supervisor confirmationSet the parameters to apply the four-eye principle (8)
    Supervisor for acccess to export

    If the administrator has to confirm the launch of export for users of this role (see Exporting frames and video recordings), select the corresponding role in the list

    Supervisor for authorization in client

    If the administrator has to confirm the login of users of this role (see Starting C-Werk Client), select the corresponding role in the list

    Time schedule management
    Time schedule

    If you need to grant the users in this role permissions only for a certain period of time, select a time schedule (9) from the list. These users will not be able to use their permissions outside of the selected time schedule

    Video walls management

    Configure the rights to manage the connected Clients' monitors by setting permissions for each Server on Domain (10). A user who has management permissions for the monitors of a particular Server can manage monitors of any Client connected to that Server

  3. On the Groups tab, configure the default permissions (11, see Configuring user permissions).


    When you create a new role, you cannot go to another tab until the role is saved. If you change any access permissions on any tab, you cannot go to another tab until the settings are saved.


    Access level


    Default permissionsConfigure the default permissions to devices

    Camera access

    No access

    No access to the device

    Archive only

    User can view only the archive

    Live in Armed mode

    User can view video from the camera only when the camera is armed


    User can view live video from the camera. Other functions and device configuration are not available


    User can view live and recorded video from the camera. User cannot arm/disarm/configure the camera


    All functions available. User cannot configure the device


    All functions and device configuration available

    Microphone access

    No access

    User cannot listen to live audio from the camera. User cannot listen to audio in the archive. Audio recording to an exported file is not available

    Live Audio

    User can listen to live audio from the camera (the microphone must be turned on). User cannot listen to audio in the archive

    Live Audio and Archive

    All functions are available

    PTZ priority

    No access

    User cannot control the PTZ device

    Minimum level

    User can control the PTZ device with the corresponding priority (see Controlling a PTZ Camera)

    Low level
    Medium level
    High level
    Maximum level
  4. On the Groups tab, configure the group permissions if there are camera groups (12, see Configuring video camera groups).


    Access level


    MiscConfigure group access permissions to cameras (see Configuring user permissions)

    Camera group

    InheritedAccess permissions are inherited from the "Default permissions" tab Camera access (see the previous step)

    No access

    No access to the device

    Archive only

    User can view only the archive

    Live in Armed mode

    User can view video from the camera only when the camera is armed


    User can view live video from the camera. Other functions and device configuration are not available


    User can view live and recorded video from the camera. User cannot arm/disarm/configure the camera


    All functions available. User cannot configure the device


    All functions and device configuration available

  5. If necessary, configure the access permissions to a specific device (the Devices tab, 13).
    To do this, select the access level for the individual device (see Configuring user permissions). 

    Access levelDeviceAccess level to device

    CameraAccess levels are inherited from the Groups tab "Default permissions" or from the group permissions
    MicrophoneAccess levels are inherited from the Groups tab "Default permissions"
    Archive only

    CameraArchive only
    MicrophoneLive audio and archive
    PTZMedium level
    Live in Armed mode

    CameraView in armed mode
    MicrophoneLive audio
    PTZMedium level

    CameraView live video
    MicrophoneLive audio
    PTZMedium level

    CameraView live video and archive
    MicrophoneLive audio and archive
    PTZMedium level

    CameraAll functions, configuration isn't available
    MicrophoneLive audio and archive
    PTZMedium level
    Live/Archive/Control/ConfigureCameraAll functions, configuration is available
    MicrophoneLive audio and archive
    PTZMaximum level

    You can specify the access level to an individual camera and extend it to other cameras. To do it, do the following:

    1. Select the access level to a camera from a drop-down list on the Devices tab.
    2. Click the button and select the cameras to which you want to specify the same access level.

    3. Click the Apply button.
      As a result, the the specified access level will be extended to the selected cameras.  
      To quickly select multiple cameras, hold down the Shift key, select the first and last camera to which you want to specify the same access level. The checkbox will set for all selected cameras when you select any of them.


      Similarly, you can extend the access levels to microphones, PTZ devices and archives.

  6. Configure the access permissions to domain archives. You can set the permissions to all archives (14) or to a specific archive (15).

    DeviceAccess levelDescription
    Default permissionsConfigure the default access permissions to the archive (see Configuring user permissions)
    Archive accessNo accessNo access to this archive

    Full accessFull access to the archive
    Archive permissionsConfigure the permissions to a specific archive (see Configuring user permissions)

    InheritedAccess level is inherited from the Default permissions tab
    No accessNo access to this archive
    Full accessFull access to the archive


  7. Set the possibility to manually run all or some macros (see Configuring macros and counters) from the Layouts interface by selecting the corresponding access level.


    Users outside the admin group can create macros, if they have the permissions to create them. They cannot use them until they have the permissions to use them.

    Macro typeAccess levelDescription
    Default permissionsConfigure the default permissions to macros (16, see Configuring user permissions)
    Macro accessNo accessNo access to macros
    Full accessFull access to macros
    Macro permissionsConfigure the access permissions to a specific macro (17, see Configuring user permissions)

    Automatic rules

    InheritedAccess level is inherited from the Default permissions tab
    No accessNo access to macros
    Full accessFull access to macros
    Event rulesInheritedAccess level is inherited from the Default permissions tab
    No accessNo access to macros
    Full accessFull access to macros
    Cycle rulesInheritedAccess level is inherited from the Default permissions tab
    No accessNo access to macros
    Full accessFull access to macros
  8. Click the Apply button to save the role.

The new role has been created.

You can copy a role. To do it, do the following:

  1. Select the role to copy.
  2. Click the Create button.

A new role will be created with the same parameters as the selected role.


To create an empty user role with no parameters specified, select the Roles common group, and click the Create button.

To delete a role, do the following:

  1. Select the role to delete.

  2. Click the Delete button.


    You cannot delete a role if the user who is logged in belongs to that role.

  3. Click the Apply button to save the changes.

The role has been deleted. All users who belong to this role will also be deleted.

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