Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

Previous page Exporting Video Recordings  Instant video export Next page

The standard export of the video recordings is performed according to the following procedure:

  1. Setting the export interval.
    Set the export interval on the primary or the secondary timeline. You can set the export interval later by entering the date and time (see item 3c below):
    1. on the primary timeline, move the marker to the beginning of the interval that you want to export. Click the button. Move the marker to the end of the interval that you want to export. Click the button. You can also select the export interval by using the right mouse button. To clear the interval, click the button;
    2. you can specify the interval on the additional navigation panel in the same way, by clicking the buttons. You cannot use the mouse to select the export interval on the additional navigation panel.
  2. Setting the export area and masks (see the Configuring export area and masks).
  3. Setting the export format.
    1. Click the button on the timeline or in the surveillance window.
      The export window opens.
    2. If necessary, change the export path. By default, the file is exported to the folder specified in the settings (see Configuring export). If the folder was changed, the new path for the exported files is saved until the Client restart.
    3. You can set the start and end time of the exported interval in one of the following ways:

      • by using the calendar;

      • by specifying the exact date and time.
    4. Click the Apply button.
    5. If necessary, specify a different file format into which you want to export the video recording. Video recordings can be exported into the following 4 formats: MP4, MKV, EXE and AVI.


      • Video recordings are exported into the MKV format without recompression.
      • Video recordings are exported into the AVI format with recompression by the codec selected in the settings. Export into the AVI format may take longer because of recompression. In addition, the AVI format export increases the CPU load, especially when you export several files at once (see Simultaneous export of videos from multiple cameras, Simultaneous export of all event videos).
      • When video recordings are exported into the EXE format, an executable file is compiled, containing video recording, playback tools, and necessary codecs. When exporting into the EXE format, note that Windows OS does not allow launching executable files of more than 4 GB.
      • If you export video recordings from the fisheye camera in the EXE format, the entire panoramic view is exported, that can be rotated to the desired angle of view in the player. If the export is performed in the MKV, MP4 or AVI formats, the selected section on the camera in the layout interface is exported.
    6. If you export a video recording into the MKV or AVI format, and you need to add the C-Werk Player utility to the same folder, set the corresponding checkbox.
    7. If you want to export into the encrypted ZIP archive, set the archive password. When exporting into the EXE format, you will need to enter the password when you open the file. 


      Setting a password will be mandatory, if this condition is set in the user role settings (see Creating and configuring roles).

    8. If necessary, add a comment to the export. The comment will be displayed as captions when the exported video recording is played back.
    9. If necessary, export the video recording with the display of object tracks. To do this, select the type of detection tool that will be the source of the displayed tracks from the Tracks drop-down list.
    10. If necessary, export the video recording with object masking. To do this:

      1. From the Masked areas drop-down list select one of the values:

        • Hide—if you want to mask objects in the exported video;

        • Invert and hide—if you want to mask the area around objects in the exported video.


          If you select Hide or Invert and hide, the export may take long time, regardless of the export format. This is because the system needs to re-encode the video to mask faces, which requires additional computing resources and time.

      2. Select the appropriate detection tool type from the Source drop-down list.

    11. Enter the username and the password of the supervisor who confirms the launch of the export.


      Entering the supervisor password is only required if this is set in the access rights settings (see Creating and configuring roles). If the confirmation is not required for the export, these fields will not be displayed in the window.

    12. Click the Print button if you want to to print the current video frame.
    13. Click the Export button.

The export process starts. The progress is displayed on the export panel (see Viewing export progress).


You can stop export at any time by clicking the Stop button.


The duration of the exported file can be longer than the specified duration, because the key frame is not always at the beginning of the export interval.

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