Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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If you have configured the titles overlay, the video tiles show titles superimposed on video (see Configuring titles view).

You can have titles from several POS terminals in the same camera window.


Captions/titles are displayed only if the camera is located on the current layout.

If you collapse the Client, then captions are not received.


Keywords or lines can be highlighted according to the settings (see Configuring keywords).

If you view recorded video, titles are synced by time.


With certain captions' output settings (the Display duration parameter = 0, see Configuring titles view) and low-intensity events at the checkout, you may have a time lag between the captions displayed and the video time stamp. 

To disable titles overlay, select Event sources in the context menu of the viewing tile and a POS terminal that you want to hide.

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