Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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You can delete an arbitrary part of an archive. To do this:

  1. Set the time interval for the footage to be deleted from the archive:
    1. on the main timeline, set the indicator to the beginning of the interval, click the button, then set the indicator to the end of the interval and click again; as an alternative, you can right-drag the mouse over the required interval. To delete the interval, click;
    2. on the additional navigation panel, you can set the time interval the same way using the buttons. You cannot set the interval with the mouse on the additional panel.
  2. Click in the Camera window.
  3. To delete footage within the specified time interval for all cameras within the archive, check the All box .
  4. Click.
  5. Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion.


    You cannot recover deleted footage.


    If several archives were selected for viewing (see Viewing a combined Archive), the footage will be deleted from all of them.

After the deletion is complete, the remaining footage may contain some artifacts near the cut points.

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