You can use message templates in commands (see E–mail notification, Executing a Web-query) that involve sending notifications:
{eventNode} – Server name (used if the macro launching condition is not linked to a particular camera);
{cameraLabel} – just the camera's name;
{list} – name of the List of Facial Templates or ANPR list;
{plateDirection} – the direction of movement of the vehicle in the frame;
Possible values:
1 – from top to bottom;
2 – from bottom to top.
{name} – name of the recognized person from Lists of Facial Templates;
{age} – age of the recognized individual;
{gender} – gender of the recognized individual;
The {age} and {gender} templates can be applied when the following conditions are met:
{appearedTime} – UTC time of object detection;
{dateTime} – date and UTC time of triggering the macro in ISO format;
{serverDateTime} – local Server time of triggering the macro in ISO format;
{rectangles} – coordinates and size of the object that triggered the detection tool;
statistics templates:
{cpuUsage} – percentage of CPU load on a Server;
{netUsage} – percentage of used network bandwidth on a Server;
{memoryUsage} – percentage of used RAM on a Server;
{diskUsage} – percentage of disk usage;
{archiveUsage} – percentage of Video Footage usage.
You can apply statistics templates only if you launch a macro by a corresponding statistical condition (see Triggering macros by statistical data).
Templates allow {} and %%. For example, %cameraId%.
Date/time templates (such as dateTime, serverDateTime, appearedTime and serverAppearedTime) offer an extended input option which allows you to set date and time in arbitrary format. A format description parameter must be contained within a pair of @ symbols.
Here's an example: {dateTime@%Y–%m–%d %H:%M:%S@}. In this case, the actual format is presented as 2020–10–04 18:43:23.
Available parameters:
E.g. this macro sends an email of the following format when a water level detection tool triggers:
Subject: Notification: Attention, water level detection is triggered. Server: Server1 Camera: 34.Camera Time: 20190812T085517.926430