Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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You can use message templates in commands (see E–mail notification, Executing a Web-query) that involve sending notifications:

  • {cameraNode} – Server name;
  • {eventNode} – Server name (used if the macro launching condition is not linked to a particular camera);

  • {cameraName} – name and short name of the camera that initiated the macro;
  • {cameraLabel} – just the camera's name;

  • {cameraIpAddress} – camera's IP address;
  • {cameraId} – camera's ID;
  • {cameraRef} – the VIDEOSOURCEID identifier;
  • {list} – name of the List of Facial Templates or ANPR list;

  • {plate} – recognized vehicle number;
  • {plateDirection} – the direction of movement of the vehicle in the frame;


    Possible values:

    1 – from top to bottom;

    2 – from bottom to top.

  • {name} – name of the recognized person from Lists of Facial Templates;

  • {age} – age of the recognized individual;

  • {gender} – gender of the recognized individual;


    The {age} and {gender} templates can be applied when the following conditions are met:

    1. The Gender and Age parameter is activated in facial detection tool settings (see Configuring Face detection).
    2. The Face Appeared: Specified Triggering event is selected as a launch condition for this macro (s).
  • {appearedTime} – UTC time of object detection;

  • {dateTime} – date and UTC time of triggering the macro in ISO format;

  • {serverDateTime} – local Server time of triggering the macro in ISO format;

  • {rectangles} – coordinates and size of the object that triggered the detection tool;

  • statistics templates:

    • {cpuUsage}  – percentage of CPU load on a Server;

    • {netUsage} – percentage of used network bandwidth on a Server;

    • {memoryUsage} – percentage of used RAM on a Server;

    • {diskUsage} – percentage of disk usage;

    • {archiveUsage} – percentage of Video Footage usage.


      You can apply statistics templates only if you launch a macro by a corresponding statistical condition (see Triggering macros by statistical data).


Templates allow {} and %%. For example, %cameraId%. 


Date/time templates (such as dateTime, serverDateTime, appearedTime and serverAppearedTime) offer an extended input option which allows you to set date and time in arbitrary format. A format description parameter must be contained within a pair of @ symbols. 

Here's an example: {dateTime@%Y–%m–%d %H:%M:%S@}. In this case, the actual format is presented as 2020–10–04 18:43:23.

Available parameters:




Abbreviation for the day of the week


Full name of the day of the week


Abbreviation for the month 


Full name of the month 


Last two digits of the year


Full number of the year


Month of the year 


Day of the month


Hour in 24h format


Minute as a decimal number 


Second as a decimal number


Fractions of second

Combined parameters:




Equivalent to %m/%d/%y


Equivalent to %H:%M:%S

E.g. this macro sends an email of the following format when a water level detection tool triggers:

Subject: Notification: Attention, water level detection is triggered.

Server: Server1
Camera: 34.Camera
Time: 20190812T085517.926430
  • No labels