This action sends E-mails to the specified addresses. Exported videos or frames can be attached. You must configure the conditions to start a macro beforehand (see Configuring filters for event-driven macros).
To configure the E-mail notification, specify the following parameters:
To (2)—enter the E-mail address to which you want to send the message.
Multiple E-mail addresses can be specified. Separate them with comma (,) or semicolon (;).
Notifications will also be sent to the addresses you specified when configuring the E-mail object (see The E-mail notifier object).
Message (4)—enter the text that should be sent in the E-mail notification when a macro starts.
You can use templates in the message (see Text templates in macros).
If necessary, you can attach exported video or a frame to your message. Click the Starting export).
button (5) to add and configure additional parameters. Configuration of these parameters is identical to configuration of export (seeNote
If the During is not specified, the frame is sent. You can set the format of video and frame export in the Export agent settings (see Configuring Export agent).
If a macro is launched from a group of cameras (see Configuring filters for event-driven macros), you can send the frames from all cameras in the group in a single E-mail message. To do this, set the All in one email checkbox (6). If this checkbox is not set, there will be a separate E-mail for each camera in the group.