To install C-Werk, regardless of the type of installation, it is necessary to perform the following steps:
Open the C-Werk distribution package.
Run the Setup.exe file.
If you cannot run the installation files downloaded from the Internet, do as follows: allow running programs and unsafe files in Windows OS.
In the dialog box, choose the required language from the list and click the Install button.
Server and Client—installs Client and Server services. We recommend selecting this type of installation if you use no more than five Servers in one place that must work within the same domain. C-Werk Server:
Writes video footage to archives on system disks; interacts with archives on NAS.
Hosts metadata database.
Employs detection tools to analyze live video.
Keeps configurations of the security system, user settings, custom layouts, macros, etc.
FailOver Server and Client—installs Client and Server services enhanced with the FailOver capability. In emergency (power outage, network problems), the FailOver technology restores the Server configuration on another Server (see Configuring FailOver VMS). We recommend selecting this type of installation if you use from 5 to 30 (minimum 3) Servers in one place that must work within the same domain.
If you use more that 30 Servers in one place or if they are located in different places, and you need to have a single user management on all Servers, you must consult an Grundig manager or technical support service.
A dialog box prompts you to select the components for installation.
To view the list of installed components, click .
On Windows 11 OS and Windows Server 2019 OS errors may occur in the Server operation when Guardant drivers are installed. It is recommended not to install Guardant drivers. Installation of Guardant drivers is disabled by default.
For the correct installation of Guardant drivers, it is necessary to disable the check of the drivers digital signature in the operating system and disable Secure Boot in BIOS.
Select checkboxes for the components that you want to install. We recommend installing all components.
Click the Install button. All selected components will be installed. The installation process may take considerable time. After that, the preparation process for the C-Werk installer will be initiated.
Starting from Driver Pack 3.51, this driver package requires the Windows update KB2999226 to be installed. If this update is missing, you will see a warning. To continue installation, download the upgrade from the official Microsoft website. When installing the upgrade, consider the bitness of your system.
The following required software is installed, if necessary:
Select the folder for storing the log database and the metadata database used in C-Werk, and click the Next button.
The path to the folder for storing the log database and the metadata database should contain only Latin letters and numbers.
To reduce the load on the system disk, it is recommended to store the log database and the metadata database on a separate physical disk.
To calculate the required amount of disk space for the log database, the metadata database and C-Werk software package, you can use the Disk storage subsystem requirements page.
The log database and the metadata database will be located in the X:\C-WerkData\ folder (in the Data and vmda_db subfolders, respectively), where X is the drive letter with the largest amount of free memory.
In the future, the metadata database can be placed in the network storage (see Configuring storage of the system log and metadata).
By default, shortcuts are added to both quick launch bar and desktop. De-select the corresponding checkboxes if it's not required.
By default, upon connecting to the Server, the Client may be automatically updated. If it's not required, clear the Create an archive for automatic update checkbox. In this case, you can save C-Werk VMS installation time, but the Clients will not be automatically updated upon their connection to the Server.
By default, the C-Werk Server name is identical to the PC name. If the PC name contains forbidden symbols, you have to set an appropriate name for the Server according to the recommendations, and click the Next button.
In the window that opens, select an installation method and click the Next button.
If the Custom installation method is selected, you can perform advanced configuration of the installation of C-Werk.
If the Standard installation method is selected, you are prompted to select an Domain (Step 25). Default values will be used for other settings.
Select a user account in the file browser:
The file browser helps to navigate through the Server's file system (such as when choosing disks for log volumes). The user account for the Windows file browser will be created with administrator privileges.
After installation of C-Werk, make sure that a file browser account has been created in Windows and belongs to the Administrators group.
Specify username and password for new or already existing user.
Specify the path to C-Werk folders and configuration files.
By default, the files and folders of the configuration are stored at the following path: C:\ProgramData\Grundig\C-Werk\.
Specify the path to the folder for installing C-Werk.
By default, C-Werk will be located in the C:\Program Files\Grundig\C-Werk\ folder.
The installation path for C-Werk and its databases should contain only Latin letters and numbers.
Click the Next button.
Specify the range of ports to be used for the Server. To do so, specify the lower end of the range, as well as the number of ports. This range can be used by the local network administrator to forward the port manually in cases where it is necessary to give the Client access to the Server from another network. The minimum possible number of ports is 20.
For a full list of ports, see Ports used by the C-Werk Software Package. After you install C-Werk, you can change it manually (see Configuring the Server ports).
The number of ports that you select affects the scalability of the system. Keep the following in mind when specifying the number of ports:
Connected devices will only work on ports in the specified range. If not enough ports are allocated, then some of the devices may not work or work unstable.
If necessary, set an alternative Server address—the outside local address for a Server behind the NAT. Interface specification format: "IP-address1 or DNS-name1, IP-address2 or DNS-name2".
To restrict visibility of the Servers on particular networks in the list of Servers during C-Werk setup, do the following:
Click the button Select network interfaces... The Network interfaces window opens.
By default, use of all available network interfaces on the Server is allowed, meaning that Servers on the relevant networks will be visible in the list. If you do not want for the Servers on the networks of certain network interfaces to be visible in the list, clear the relevant checkboxes.
Depending on the network topology, it will still be possible be reach the Servers manually (if broadcasting is allowed between the network segments).
Click the Apply button.
Click the Next button.
Create a new Domain with the name Default (for the definition of an Domain see Appendix 1. Glossary). If you want to add the computer to an Domain at a later time, select Server will be manually added to already existing domain later. Click the Next button.
When reinstalling C-Werk, you have the option of using the previous domain (select Use existing configuration).
Using the same Domain name does not guarantee that the Servers will be in the same Domain. To place all Servers into one Domain, you should use C-Werk interface to add each Server to the necessary Domain. Domain configuration is described in detail in Configuring Domains.
A dialog box appears, showing the installation parameters corresponding to the selected type of installation.
Installation of C-Werk is now complete.