Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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You can run C-Werk installation in quiet mode (unattended setup with no user intervention).


During installation you may have to reboot the system. After rebooting the installation will continue automatically.

When Redist.exe process ends and not listed in Windows Task Manager, the installation is complete.

This mode of installation can be configured by adding command-line options to setup.exe. See the command-line options in the table.

Command-line option


/? or /help

Open the Help window

/x or /uninstall

Remove C-Werk and save the configuration


Remove C-Werk and delete the configuration

/r or /repair

Repair C-Werk

/qn or /quiet

Silent install


Disable automatic reboot of the system during installation


Log installation


Skip OS compatibility check

/postgresinstalldir="D:\Postgres"PostgreSQL installation folder

Select installation language:

For example, en — English


Installation options:

  • ServerClient — Server and Client (default),
  • raftServer — Failover Server and Client,
  • Client.

Hers is the list of components to install or remove (if you remove/uninstall software). See the possible values in the table below.


Hers is the list of components NOT to install or remove (if you remove/uninstall software). See the possible values in the table below.


Bosch VideoSDK driver Installation (see notes).

  • no — do not install,
  • yes — install.

Basic installation options and values. Commands are [option] = \ "[value] \" or [option] = [value]" . See available installation options in the table below.


Occasionally, when installing the Bosch VideoSDK driver, the CLI window opens. To continue with installation, close this window.

/ADD and /REMOVE values:



Installation options:

Installation options



Create shortcut:

  • 1 — Yes (default),
  • 0 — No.

Copy shortcut to desktop:

  • 1 — Yes (default),
  • 0 — No.

C-Werk installation folder


Network interfaces The default value is "" (all available network interfaces)

Format of network interfaces: "IP-address1 / number of unit bits in the mask, IP-address2 /number of unit bits in the mask"


Setting the outside local address for a Server behind the NAT).

Format of network interfaces: "IP Address1 or DNS-name1, IP address2 or DNS Name2"


The initial value of the port range for Server. 20111 — default.


Number of ports in use. The minimum number is 20. 100 — default.

Options for Server and Client installation

PATH_TO_DATA = 'X:\C-WerkData',
where X is the letter of the disk with the most free memory

Directory for storing the log database and metadata database. Default is X:\C-WerkData.

The PATH_TO_DATA parameter should be after the INSTALLDIR parameter.


User account for file explorer:

  • DEFAULT — create a new account; the default name selected will be C-Werk File Browser,
  • SYSTEM — select an account from the Local System,
  • SPECIFY — create a new account; choose the user name and password.
FBUSER_NAME='[C-Werk File Browser]'

Setting a user name and password for an account in file explorer.

When you choose SPECIFY of the FBUSER_TYPE parameter


Path to configurations files and folders

DOMAIN_NAME_TYPE = '[NewDomain]'

Select Domain:

  • NewDomain — create new Domain (default),
  • WithoutDomain — do NOT add Server to Domain,
  • TheSameDomain — use existing Domain.
  • EXIST — use existing log DB (default)
  • NEWDB — create new DB
  • EXIST — use existing object tracking DB (default)
  • NEWDB — create new DB

The command for silent installation of C-Werk may look like:

setup.exe /quiet /norestart /debug /INSTALLTYPE="ServerClient" /REMOVE="Guardant_amd64" /CMD="CREATE_QUICKLAUNCH_SHORTCUT=\"0\" PORT_RANGE_COUNT=\"50\" DOMAIN_NAME_TYPE=\"WithoutDomain\""

This will launch installation with the following options:

  1. Quiet mode (/quiet);
  2. no reboot (/norestart);
  3. log installation to file (/ debug);
  4. Server and Client (/ INSTALLTYPE = "ServerClient");
  5. No Guardant drivers (/ REMOVE = "Guardant_amd64");
  6. And with the following properties (/ CMD =):
    1. no shortcut (="CREATE_QUICKLAUNCH_SHORTCUT=\"0\");
    2. 50 ports for Server (PORT_RANGE_COUNT="50");
    3. Server NOT added to Domain (DOMAIN_NAME_TYPE = '[WithoutDomain]').
  • No labels