Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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Object tracking allows a user to visually track the movement of objects in a camera's field of view or in a video recording in an archive.


Object Tracking is available if:

  1. the object tracker is activated for this camera (see General information on Scene Analytics detection tools);
  2. the Video Motion Detection tool is activated (see Configuring VMD);
  3. at least one of the Embedded Analytic tools is activated (see Embedded Detection Tools).

Object tracking performs the following functions:

  1. Recognizes the presence of a moving object and dynamically marks it with a transparent rectangle on the video image.
  2. Displays the trajectory of the object's movement.

Motion is detected based on the time gradient of the video image’s difference between frames.

To enable object tracking, select Show tracking in the viewing tile context menu.

Object tracking functions will now be activated.

To disable object tracking, click Hide tracking in the viewing tile context menu.

If you have created a Scene Analytics detection tool for this video camera (see Functions of Scene Analytics detection tools), then you can see the detection parameters (areas, lines) in Live Video mode along with object tracking in the camera window.


Areas to be excluded from surveillance are outlined in dotted black and green line while detection areas are outlined in black and gray.

If an ANPR detection tool has been created for a camera, the license plates within the video image will be outlined (see Automatic Number Plate Recognition (LPR/ANPR) tools).


To ensure correct display of the outline, set the camera's Video Buffering parameter with the range of 500–1000 (see The Camera object).

If a face detection tool has been created for a camera, all faces within the video image will be outlined.

If a pose detection tool (see Configure Pose detection tools) has been created for a camera, a human skeleton is highlighted over the video image.