Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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The Domain system object is at the base of the system.

The Domain object is the parent of the Server objects, which correspond to the servers that are in the Domain.

When you select the Domain object in the Total devices created group (1), the software displays information about the Domain and the current license: Servers and their number, IP devices and various used functions.  

Also displayed are license serial number (5) and license expiration date (6).


The number of created devices means the total number of enabled IP video channels.

In the Computer/key HID mismatch (2) group, the license information/error is displayed. 

If you select a licensing option in the relevant group (1), the License feature owners (3) group will include the objects currently using this license.

You can also rename the Domain. To do so, enter the new name in the corresponding field (4) and click the Apply button.

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