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Get all available sources

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/video-origins/ - gets all available original sources (cameras). The requested identifiers will have the format as follows "HOSTNAME/ObjectType.Id/Endpoint.Name". Friendly name and other related meta data will be received.


UTF-8 coding is to be in use in a browser for proper displaying of video camera names

Sample response:

    "SERVER1/DeviceIpint.3/" :
        "origin" : "SERVER1/DeviceIpint.3/",

        "state" : "connected",
        "friendlyNameLong" : "Camera 3",
        "friendlyNameShort" : "3"
    "SERVER2/DeviceIpint.5/" :
        "origin" : "SERVER2/DeviceIpint.5/",

        "state" : "disconnected",
        "friendlyNameLong" : "Camera 5",
        "friendlyNameShort" : "5"

Get all available original sources of server

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/video-origins/HOSTNAME/ gets all available original sources (cameras) of the specified server.

Get source info

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/video-origins/VIDEOSOURCEID - gets source information. VIDEOSOURCEID – identifier of endpoint source consisting of 3 components (HOSTNAME/ObjectType.Id/Endpoint.Name).

Sample request:

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/video-origins/SERVER1

Sample response:

    "SERVER1/DeviceIpint.3/" :
        "origin" : "SERVER1/DeviceIpint.3/",

        "state" : "none",
        "friendlyNameLong" : "Camera 3",
        "friendlyNameShort" : "3"

Get all sources info

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/video-sources/* - gets the list of all available sources not limited by original ones.

Sample request:

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/video-sources/SERVER2

Sample response:

    "SERVER2/DeviceIpint.5/" :
        "origin" : "SERVER2/DeviceIpint.5/",

        "state" : "none",
        "friendlyNameLong" : " Camera 5",
        "friendlyNameShort" : "5"
    "SERVER2/VideoDecoder.0/VideoSource" :
        "origin" : "SERVER2/DeviceIpint.5/",

        "state" : "connected",
        "friendlyNameLong" : "SERVER2/Videodecoder 0",
        "friendlyNameShort" : "Videodecoder 0"

The "state" field display the source state. Available values:

– "connected" – video source is connected;

– "disconnected" – video source is disconnected;

– "signal_restored" – signal from video source is restored;

– "signal_lost" – signal from video source is lost.

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