Event-triggered macros can be launched not only by events of particular type (see Configuring Filters for Event-driven Macros) but also by statistical parameters.
A macro can be initiated by the following parameters reaching pre-defined criteria:
- The percentage of used space in Archive.
- The percentage of used space on a volume.
- The percentage of used RAM on a Server.
- The percentage of used network bandwidth on a Server.
- The percentage of CPU load on a Server.
To set up triggering macros by statistics, do as follows:
- Select the desired parameter from the Start Conditions list in the Statistics group.
Enter the parameter definition into the Item (1) field.
Archive usage
Archive in the following format:hosts/SERVER1/MultimediaStorage.AliceBlue/MultimediaStorage,
Disk usage
SERVER1@C:\ where SERVER1 is the name of a server within the Axxon domain, C:\ is the volume name.
Memory usage (RAM)
The name of a server within the Axxon domain.
Network usage
The name of a server within the Axxon domain.
CPU usage
The name of a server within the Axxon domain.
- Enter the threshold value into the Value (2) field.
- For Leaving condition, enter the range into the Delta (3) field (see section 5).Enter the threshold value into the Value (2) field.
From the Trend (4) list, select a triggering condition for the macro.
Leaving The macro is triggered if a parameter value goes out of the specified range [Value - Delta; Value].
Rising The macro is triggered if the parameter value exceeds the threshold specified in the Value field.
The macro is triggered if the parameter value falls behind the threshold specified in the Value field.
The triggering conditions are set not for current but for future events. For instance, if the current CPU load is 85%, and you set the triggering condition to exceeding 80%, the macro will be launched only when the CPU load exceeds 80% value next time.
- If necessary, you can set several event and/or statistical conditions for triggering macros.