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Event-triggered macros can be launched not only by events of particular type (see Configuring Filters for Event-driven Macros) but also by statistical parameters.
A macro can be initiated by the following parameters reaching pre-defined criteria:
To set up triggering macros by statistics, do as follows:
Enter the parameter definition into the Parameter (1) field.
Archive usage | Archive in the following format: hosts/TEST/MultimediaStorage.AliceBlue/MultimediaStorage. |
Disk usage | TEST@C:\, where TEST is the name of a Server within the Domain, C:\ is the volume name. |
Memory usage (RAM) | The name of a server within the Domain. |
Network usage | The name of a server within the Domain. |
CPU usage | The name of a server within the Domain. |
From the Trend (4) list, select a triggering condition for the macro.
Leaving | The macro is triggered if a parameter value goes out of the specified range [Value – Delta; Value]. |
Rising | The macro is triggered if the parameter value exceeds the threshold specified in the Value field. |
Falling | The macro is triggered if the parameter value falls behind the threshold specified in the Value field. |
The triggering conditions are set not for current but for future events. For instance, if the current CPU load is 85%, and you set the triggering condition to exceeding 80%, the macro will be launched only when the CPU load exceeds 80% value next time.