Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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To follow objects with Tag&Track Lite, mount the cameras at the top of the scene, so that you can track motion across the plane (floor, ground) from above.

To configure Tag&Track Lite, do as follows:

  1. Create Object tracker or Neurotracker objects for all cameras.
  2. Go to the Layout Editing mode (see Switching to layout editing mode).
  3. Add video cameras to the map (see Adding video cameras and changing size of their icons on the map).
  4. Set the exact location of the video cameras, field of view and coverage areas shared with other video cameras (see Configuring a camera in standard map viewing mode). FoVs intersection – area, common for FoVs of two cameras – must be no less than triple footprint of the tracked object.
  5. For each video camera:
    1. Switch to immersive mode (see Configuring cameras in immersion mode).
    2. Set 4 anchor point, that will correlate objects (door, corner, etc.) in the video image with their representation on the map.
  6. Save the layout (see Exiting Layout Editing mode).
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