Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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Surveillance window is used to display video stream on the monitor of a computer with specific parameters for the purpose of video surveillance, archive viewing, and forensic search in archives. The surveillance window also has a function which allows the generation and evaluation of alarm events in the process of video monitoring of a guarded location.

The surveillance window has flexible display options (see Configuring the display of the surveillance window):

  1. Control buttons over the video image, mode selector buttons inside the window.
  2. Control buttons over the video, selector buttons outside.
  3. Control buttons outside the video, selector buttons inside.

There are two states of a surveillance window within the layout: active or inactive. 

A window in active state includes an additional navigation panel (see Advanced Archive Navigation Panel) and video mode selection tabs (see Video Surveillance Mode Selection Tabs).

To switch a window to active state, click anywhere inside the window; clicking outside de-activates it.

A more detailed description of the functions of the surveillance window can be found in Video Surveillance.

If the connection to the camera is lost, the surveillance window is darkened and you get a corresponding message on the most recently received image.

To copy the camera name to the Clipboard, right-click on it .