Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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The People counter detection tool counts the number of people in the specified area using the pose detection metadata.

A macro triggers when the number of individuals in FOV matches the predefined conditions (see Configuring filters for event-driven macros).


Unlike the Multiple objects detection tool (see Settings specific to Multiple objects), the counter generates events of just one type, namely triggering.

As opposed to Neurocounter (see Configuring Neurocounter), People counter detection tool counts only people.

To configure the People counter detection tool, do the following:

  1. Set common parameters (see Setting up common parameters for Pose detection tools).
  2. To record mask to the archive, set Yes for the corresponding parameter (1).
  3. Set the People counter detection tool triggering condition:

    1. Set the condition polarity, i.e. triggering when the number of people in the specified area is within the set range, or out of the range (2). 

    2. Set the range of the number of people in FOV (3, 5). The value should be in the range [0; 100].
  4. Set an interval in seconds between two consecutive triggering of the counter when the number of individuals in FOV continuously matches the condition(s) (4). The value should be in the range [1; 10000].
  5. Set the minimum number of frames in which the counter should detect the specified number of people in order to trigger (6). The value should be in the range [1; 20].
  6. In the preview window, you can set the detection areas with the help of the anchor points much like privacy masks in the Scene analytics detection tools (see Setting General Zones for Scene analytics detection tools). By default, the entire FOV is a detection area.

Configuring the People counter detection tool is complete. 

To display the counter and the number of counted people, do the following:

  1. Switch to layout editing mode (see Switching to layout editing mode).
  2. Place the counter icon anywhere within the layout cell.
  3. Customize the font. To do this, click the button.
  4. Add text. To do this, click on the gray area and enter the required text.
  5. Save the layout (see Exiting Layout Editing mode).

As a result, the text and the number of people counted by the detection tool will be displayed next to the counter icon.

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