Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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All video channels or archives stop working once the license maximum is reached

If the activation key allows using fewer video channels than currently created in the system, it will not be possible to work with all video channels. To resume operation, remove the objects corresponding to the excess video channels and restart the Server.


Restart the Server through the Start menu as follows:

  1. All Programs → C-Werk → Shut Down Server
  2. All Programs → C-Werk → Start Server

Similarly, if the activation key allows using archives with a total capacity less than the current one, you should adjust the capacity of the archives to the required amount and then restart the Server.

No signal from video cameras and failure to connect to other Servers

If the Windows Firewall (or firewall of other manufacturers) was disabled during installation of C-Werk, C-Werk services and applications will not be automatically added to the list of firewall exceptions.

After you turn on the firewall, you may see no signal from cameras in both main and Web-Client, and no possibility to connect to other Servers.

To solve this problem, add the following applications to the firewall exceptions: Apphost.exe, NetHost.exe, C-Werk.exe, and LicenceTool.exe.

Incorrect display of Client interface elements

Client interface elements may be distorted on systems with some versions of GeForce drivers (such as 327.23, 337.88) installed.

In some cases this problem is solved by disabling stream optimization for the C-Werk.exe process:

  1. Run Control panelNVIDIA control panel → 3D parameters → Software settings.
  2. Click the Add button and select the CWerk.exe file (<C-Werk installation directory >/bin).
  3. Set the Off parameter for the Threaded optimisation function.
  4. Click the Apply button.

If this solution does not eliminate the problem, then install an older driver for the graphics card.

Server error on Windows Server 2012

You may experience errors when running the Server on Windows Server 2012. To fix the errors:

  1. Go to the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems\.
  2. Find the Windows parameter and change its value as follows: in the string "SharedSection = 1024,20480, 768 ", replace 768 with 4096
  3. Save the changes and restart the computer.

Emergency shutdown of the Client on Windows 8.1

You may see the Client shutting down on Windows 8.1 with an error: " The name of the failed module: KERNELBASE.dll Exception code: 0xe0434352 ".

In this case, please contact Microsoft support.

Error creating new archives even when license restriction on total capacity is observed

If the user creates archives at the same time (in other words, without applying changes) while deleting some existing archives, creation of the archives may be forbidden even if the total archive capacity does not exceed the amount of the license restriction.


This happens because when verifying the license restrictions, the size of created archives is calculated based on the total capacity at the time when changes were applied.

In such a situation, the user should first delete the unnecessary archives and apply changes, then create new archives. 

C-Werk VMS operation with Windows Defender software

If you have Windows Defender software installed in your system, some problems may occur when accessing and saving data to the archive, as well as significant slowing down of MomentQuest searches.

As a workaround, you can either disable Windows Defender or add AppHost.exe, AppHostSvc.exe and vfs_format.exe files to the exceptions list.

Upper panel display problem

In some cases, the Client may have a problem displaying the upper panel.

In this case, it is recommended to install the most recent version of Intel graphics subsystem drivers. 

High CPU load during OpenGL software emulation

If your computer's graphics card does not meet OpenGL requirements (see Limitations of C-Werk), OpenGL can be emulated in software.

But in this case the CPU load may be high.

C-Werk operation with NetLimiter 2

If NetLimiter 2 is installed in the system, there may be a significantly increased load on the processor when working with C-Werk.

This problem is resolved by removing NetLimiter 2.

Exported videos' playback in Movies and TV application

Due to the lack of G.711 and G.726 codecs support in Windows 10's "Movies and TV" app, the app doesn not play audio in exported video.

You can use alternative video viewer applications to obtain the full playback.

C-Werk operation on Windows N and KN editions

C-Werk is not guaranteed to work on Windows N or KN editions. For correct operation, you need to install the Media Feature Pack.