Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

Previous page Configuring Smooth Motion for PTZ cameras  Matching the telemetry device positions with the overview cameras frame points (calibration) Next page

To link panoramic cameras to a PTZ camera:

  1. Go to the PTZ object of the relevant camera.
  2. In the Tag-n-track cameras group, in the list (1), select the camera that you want to link to the PTZ camera. Click the Add button (2).


    To search for a camera, enter its ID, the full or partial name in the 1 box.  


    You can add only those cameras for which the Object Tracking was created and activated.

  3. Repeat this action for all cameras that you want to link to the PTZ. You can connect any number of panoramic cameras to a PTZ camera.


    To remove a camera from the list of panoramic cameras, click the .

  4. Click the Apply button.

Linking of panoramic cameras to the PTZ camera is now complete.

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