Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/events/alerts/{ENDTIME}/{BEGINTIME} − get alarms from all Domain Servers.


The ENDTIME and BEGINTIME syntax is described in Get archive contents section.


If ENDTIME < BEGINTIME in the request, then the events in the response will be sorted by time in ascending order.

If ENDTIME > BEGINTIME, then the events will be sorted in descending order.

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/events/alerts/{HOSTNAME}/{ENDTIME}/{BEGINTIME} − get alarms from a certain Server.

{HOSTNAME} Server name (see Get Server list).

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/events/alerts/{VIDEOSOURCEID}/{ENDTIME}/{BEGINTIME} − get alarms from a certain camera.

{VIDEOSOURCEID} three-component source endpoint ID (see Get list of video cameras and information about them). For instance, "SERVER1/DeviceIpint.3/".


The limit of alarms in the response. If not specified, it is equal to 100 by default.


The results offset by the specified number. For example, if a query with offset=0 returned 100 results, then in order to get the next results, it is necessary to run a query with offset=100. If the second query returned 250 results, then in order to get the next results, it is necessary to run a query with offset=350, etc.


If limit_to_archive=1, then the response will return the events only from the accessible part of the archive (see Configuring access restrictions to archive).


The name of the archive from the request to receive the list of archives (see Get archive contents).

Sample request:


Sample response:

    "events": [
            "type": "alert",
            "id": "2bb7f765-eb57-604d-a38c-d1d26d22e4d9",
            "raisedAt": "20181219T151437.312808",
            "zone": "hosts/DESKTOP-O0P0IBQ/DeviceIpint.1/",
            "reasons": [
            "initiator": "faceAppeared",
            "reaction": {
                "user": "",
                "reactedAt": "20181219T151937.342036",
                "severity": "unclassified"
            "detectorName": "1.Face detection",
            "rectangles": [
                    "index": "47",
                    "left": "0,85343749999999996",
                    "top": "0,37958333333333333",
                    "right": "1",
                    "bottom": "0,58083333333333331"
            "type": "alert",
            "id": "03c0d49f-5475-684e-a622-2aaeac303508",
            "raisedAt": "20181219T151005.933417",
            "zone": "hosts/DESKTOP-O0P0IBQ/DeviceIpint.1/",
            "reasons": [
            "initiator": "faceAppeared",
            "reaction": {
                "user": "root",
                "reactedAt": "20181219T151013.109256",
                "severity": "alarm"
            "detectorName": "1.Face detection",
            "rectangles": [
                    "index": "9",
                    "left": "0,83406249999999993",
                    "top": "0,36416666666666664",
                    "right": "1",
                    "bottom": "0,58583333333333332"
            "type": "alert",
            "id": "6d396f93-4acf-c54b-a26e-c1ab178bdb06",
            "raisedAt": "20181219T150911.101417",
            "zone": "hosts/DESKTOP-O0P0IBQ/DeviceIpint.1/",
            "reasons": [
            "initiator": "root",
            "reaction": {
                "user": "root",
                "reactedAt": "20181219T150916.264631",
                "severity": "alarm"
            "detectorName": "",
            "rectangles": []
    "more": false

Field raisedAt is not unique so it might be necessary to skip the previously received alarms starting from the search interval.


Possible values of the reasons array: armed, disarmed, userAlert, ruleAlert, videoDetector, audioDetector, ray.


Possible values of the severity field: unclassified, false, notice, warning, alarm.


Possible values of the initiator field:

  1. Name of the user initiated the alarm.
  2. Id of the macro (see Using macros) if the alarm is initiated by macro that was started NOT by the detector (even if this macro has already been removed from the configuration).
  3. Type of detector that triggered macro that initiated the alarm (see Get list of detection tools events).
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