Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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In C-Werk, several types of detection tools process incoming data:

  1. Face detection.
  2. License Plate Recognition.
  3. Trackers.
  4. Pose detection.
  5. Personal protective equipment detection tools.
  6. Person-based privacy masking.
  7. Privacy masking detection tool.
  8. Fire detection and smoke detection.
  9. Water level detection.
  10. Motion in area detection.
  11. Retail analytics:
    1. Queue detection.
    2. Visitors counter.
    3. Neurocounter.
  12. Service detection:
    1. Audio detection.
    2. Tampering detection.
  13. Embedded detection (IVA).

Detection tools are configured using the Detection Tools tab interface (within the Settings tab). To configure detection tools, it is necessary to have the appropriate user rights.

When configuring detection tools, in the Mode field, select NVIDIA GPU one by one. 

If only one NVIDIA GPU is installed, in the Mode field, select Nvidia GPU 0.

If more than one NVIDIA GPU is installed, in the Mode field, select the video card which must be used for detection.

It is possible to change the order of NVIDIA GPUs display using the CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER system variable (see Appendix 9. Creating system variable) by specifying the required value:

  1. The FASTEST_FIRST value numbers the GPUs from the most powerful card to the less powerful ones, that is, GPU 0 is the most powerful card.
  2. The PCI_BUS_ID value numbers the GPUs according to the physical location of the cards in the PCI-E slots on the motherboard, that is, GPU 0 is the card in the highest slot.

To find out information about the availability, quantity and numbering of NVIDIA GPUs, do the following: 

  1. Run a command line as an administrator.
  2. In the command line, enter the nvidia-smi query.
  3. Press Enter.

The command line window will display information about the installed NVIDIA GPUs.


If you select a non-installed NVIDIA GPU in the Mode field, detection will not be performed.

For a video camera and its corresponding branch to appear in the detection tools list, the camera must be enabled in C-Werk.


By default, camera inputs that can be activated through an automatic rule are displayed on the list of detection tools.

In the Surveillance window, on the right side of the detection configuration window, you can set visual parameters. 


The indicator in the upper right corner displays the current time and recording status (see Time Display).

The default system setting to a detection event is not to trigger any response actions. To set system response, create an automatic rule or a macro (see Configuring macros and countersAutomatic Rules).