Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

Previous page Configuring Neurocounter  Objects image requirements for neurocounter Next page

To detect objects with a speed less than 0,3 m/s, the following settings are recommended:

  1. The number of frames for analysis and output: 3.
  2. The number of frames processed per second: 1.
  3. Neural filter: No.
  4. Recognition threshold: 30.
  5. Neural network file: Path to the *.ann neural network file. You can also select Object type—in this case, this field should be left blank.


By default, the neurocounter is configured for detection of objects with a speed less than 0,3 m/s.

To solve tasks in which the speed of the object is greater than 0,3 m/s, it is necessary to increase the number of processed frames and/or reduce the number of frames for analysis and output. The values ​​are selected by trial-and-error method depending on the conditions of the task.

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