Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

Previous page Configuring connection of devices via RTSP  Configuring connection of multi-channel devices Next page

To connect a camera via the RTSP protocol using the IP Device Discovery Wizard (see Adding and removing IP devices), add a camera with the following parameters: 

  1. VendorRTSP (1).
  2. Model1_channel_device (2).
  3. IP address—the address of RTSP transmission (3). In general, the address has the following format: rtsp://<IP address of RTSP server>:<Port of RTSP server>/<Path>. The RTSP protocol camera connection supports up to three video streams. To connect multiple streams, enter the transmission addresses separated by a semicolon: rtsp://<IP address of RTSP server1>:<Port of RTSP server1>/<Path>; rtsp://<IP address of RTSP server2>:<Port of RTSP server2>/<Path>; rtsp://<IP address of RTSP server3>:<Port of RTSP server3>/<Path>.


    Generally, the RTSP Server parameters (port and path) are set via the web interface of the camera. To do so, refer to the reference documentation for a particular camera.

    If the username or password in a URL contain invalid characters, such as "@", you have to escape these characters with special characters via the ASCII codes (in hexadecimal form). The "@" character is escaped as %40. For example, when connecting a device via RTSP, the link may look like this "rtsp://admin:New%40edge@".


    In some cases, the address format may be different. For example, a username and password may be added to the address to connect to the camera if authentication is required.

    It is recommended that you refer to the reference documentation for a particular camera.

    Even if the password field is empty, the address string must include a colon (:).

    A correct address may look like this: rtsp://user:@

    An example of an incorrect address: rtsp://user@

The Camera object will be created. If the address of the RTSP transmission is correctly specified, the preview window will display the image from this camera.


Port, Login and Password can not be edited. These settings are specified in the transmission address.

If video is unavailable, refer the APP_HOST.lpint log file located in the <C-Werk installation folder>\C-Werk\Logs folder.


If the APP_HOST.lpint log file is empty, in the log management utility, check the logging level of the C-Werk Server (see Configuring Logging levels). The recommended logging level is Debug.

To set the time in seconds after which a message about the loss of connection with the camera will be displayed, specify the value in the Timeout field in the camera settings.

If you want to set the time in seconds after which the reconnection to the device will take place, specify the value in the Reconnection timeout field.

In the Profile field, you can select the level of the H.264/AVC video codec profile:

  • Basic profile provides a more effective usage of resources and a low bitrate video transmission, but may have limited resolution and number of frames per second.
  • High profile provides a higher video quality, higher bitrate, higher resolution and more frames per second. High profile is used to transmit high definition video and video at the speed of 60 frames per second.

To receive the RTSP stream via HTTPS, select the Tunneling RTSP over HTTP value for the Transport protocol parameter.

In some cases, packets may be lost or delayed due to poor connection. This may cause some packets to arrive later than the next packets in the transmission order. To change the packet arrival order, set the Yes value in the RTP packet reordering field.


To get good video stream from some cameras, set the No value for the SSRC identifier checking parameter in the video stream settings.