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You can instantly export video without needing to specify an export range. To do so, click the  button in a viewing tile at any time.


Then specify export settings, as described in the Standard video export section.

If export is performed from Live Video mode, the first frame of the exported video will be the moment when the button was clicked. Export will continue for 10 minutes or until the Stop button on the export panel is clicked (see the Viewing export progress section).

If export is performed from archive mode or archive analysis mode, the first frame of the exported video will be the position of the bar on the timeline when the button was clicked. Export will continue for 10 minutes or until the Stop button on the export panel is clicked (see the Viewing export progress section).

The length of the exported video clip will depend on the time of export and resources of the Server.


If export is performed from archive mode or archive analysis mode, you can pre-configure an export area and masks (see the Configuring export area and masks section).

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