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Get list of archives recording is performed to:

GET http://P-Address:port/prefix/archive/list/VIDEOSOURCEID

where VIDEOSOURCEID - three-component source endpoint ID (see Get list of video sources (cameras)). For instance,  "SERVER1/DeviceIpint.3/".

Get default archive contents:

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/contents/intervals/VIDEOSOURCEID/ENDTIME/BEGINTIME?limit=COUNT&scale=SIZE – get archive contents starting at BEGINTIME and ending at ENDTIME.

If BEGINTIME is not specified, infinite future is considered. If ENDTIME is not specified too, infinite past is considered. Words "past" and "future" can be used to set infinite past and infinite future as well.

Optional limit parameter is used to specify the limit of frames. The default value is 100.

Optional scale parameter is used to specify the minimum time interval between the frames when they are treated as separate ones (not merged). The default value is 0.

Interval sequence corresponds to the ratio between specified BEGINTIME and ENDTIME (in ascending order if BEGINTIME<ENDTIME, and in descending order if ENDTIME<BEGINTIME). Start and end points of interval are returned in its common order, i.e. the interval start time is less than the interval end time or equal to it.

The intervals property contains array of frame intervals returned as json object.

The returned json response contains the Boolean more property which is used to specify if complete time interval is selected (false) or some frames were not returned because their timestamps maxed out (true).

Get contents of specific archive:

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/contents/intervals/VIDEOSOURCEID/future/past?archive=Archive_Name

Sample request:

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/contents/intervals/SERVER1/DeviceIpint.2/

Sample response:

    "intervals" :
        { begin: "20101230T103950.000", end: "20101230T103955.230" },
        { begin: "20101230T103923.110", end: "20101230T103941.870" }
    "more" : true


Time returns in the UTC format

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