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To configure an E-mail object, you must perform the following steps:

  1. In the list of devices, highlight the E-mail object which needs to be configured (1).
  2. Activate the E-mail object (2) by selecting Yes in the Enable list.
  3. In the Name field (3) enter the desired name of the E-mail object.
  4. Select the mode for sending e-mail alerts: through C-Werk Cloud or through the specified SMTP server (4).


    To send alerts via C-Werk Cloud, you should connect to it (see C-Werk Cloud Setup and Operation).

    C-Werk Cloud has a limit of 10 messages a day.

  5. Configure the SMTP server, if this mode has been selected (5):

    1. In the SSL certificate field, specify the path to the SSL certificate file, if you use this protocol.

    2. If you need to use an SSL-encrypted connection when connecting to the outgoing mail server, select Yes from the Use SSL list.
    3. In the Name field, enter the name of the user account used to send messages on the outgoing mail server.
    4. In the Password field, enter the password for the user account on the outgoing mail server.
    5. In the Port field, enter the number of the port used by the outgoing mail server.
    6. In the Outgoing mail server field, enter the name of the outgoing SMTP mail server.
    7. In the From field, enter the e-mail address from which the messages will be sent (6).

  6. Enter e-mail addresses of anyone who should be notified (7).


    Several email addresses can be specified. Separate them with semicolon (;)

  7. Click the Apply button.

Configuration of the E-mail object is now complete.