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Replication of archives refers to constant, block-by-block copying of fixed-size information (video, audio, metadata) from one archive to another archive on the same C-Werk-domain.


Replication occurs as information blocks are accumulated.  1 block may contain more than a minute of video.


Replication is performed only to the end of the archive. It is not possible to overwrite existing data in the archive.

To transfer the old data from Archive 1 to Archive 2 and continue writing new data to Archive 2, do as follows:

  1. Replicate the data from Archive 1 to Archive 2, while Archive 2 cannot be written to.
  2. Configure the camera to write to Archive 2.


The primary purpose of data replication is to ensure long-term storage and access to multimedia recordings on remote storage devices. 

Any archive can be the source or recipient of replication. Moreover, every archive can simultaneously be both the sender and recipient of data. 


Events indicating the start and successful completion of data replication are generated in the system (see Event Control). These events can be used as macro triggers

To configure data replication:

  1. In the list of archives on the C-Werk-domain, select the archive to which you want to copy data from other archives.
  2. Select one or more archives form which you want to copy data (1).  You can also replicate video from on-board camera storage (4, see The Embedded Storage object)


    Currently, C-Werk supports only continuous replication (the Replication period field).

  3. For each archive, select the cameras from which data will be copied to the source archive (2).


    Data for a particular camera can be copied to the source archive only from one archive. When you select a camera for replication from an archive, the camera becomes unavailable for replication from any other archive.


    You cannot select cameras if they are already being recorded to the source archive.

  4. Select replication period (3):

    1. Always - replication is performed continuously. 

    2. On demand - replication is performed manually.


      You can use macros to replicate on schedule (see Start replication).

  5. Click the Apply button.

You have now configured data replication. If you have chosen the Always replication period, data replication starts immediately after changes are applied.

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