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You can log Client RAM usage at specified intervals (C-Werk.exe process). To do this:

  1. Quit Client (see Shutting down an C-Werk Client).
  2. Open the C-Werk.exe.config configuration file, located in the <Installation Directory PC C-Werk> \ bin., in a text editor.  
  3. Find the MemoryUsageDumpIntervalSeconds option and set a value for it, corresponding to the period of adding the information to the log in seconds. 


    Value 0 - no information is logged.

  4. Save the changes to the file.
  5. Run client (see Starting an C-Werk Client).

Here is an example of the client RAM usage information  in the log:

*** Memory usage: *** 
    Private size  425 MB
    Working set   404 MB

Private size - the amount of reserved memory.

Working set - memory footprint.

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