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The Autozoom function performs automatic control of digital zoom.

If a viewing tile is inactive and autozoom is enabled, the following actions occur:

  1. The smallest rectangular area that contains all tracked objects (even if object tracking is disabled) is chosen.
  2. Maximum digital zoom is performed for the selected area.

If autozoom is enabled but there are no moving objects in the video frame, the contents of the viewing tile are shown at their original size.


If the Fit screen function is activated for a viewing tile, the default digital zoom level is used.

Autozoom stops when a viewing tile is selected and resumes when the viewing tile is no longer active.

Autozoom can be enabled both for a single camera and for all video cameras in a layout.

To enable autozoom for a specific camera, in the viewing tile context menu, select Enable autozoom.


Autozoom is available if situational analysis is enabled on the camera in question (see Object Tracker) or if one of the embedded detection tools is enabled (see Configuring Built-In Detectors)


Autozoom resizing takes into account objects from all tracking sources that are activated for a particular video camera

To disable autozoom, select the corresponding command in the viewing tile context menu.

To enable autozoom for all cameras in a layout, select Enable autozoom for all.

To disable autozoom for all cameras in a layout,  select Disable autozoom for all.


If autozoom is activated for one or more cameras in a layout, by default the menu displays the Disable autozoom for all option.