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Get frame by timestamp

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/media/VIDEOSOURCEID/STARTTIME - gets frame by its STARTTIME. Frame is returned in JPEG format.

Get frame registration time

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/contents/frames/VIDEOSOURCEID/ENDTIME/BEGINTIME?limit=COUNT – gets the time of frame registration in MM archive. Parameter semantics is described in section Get archive contents. The default value of limit parameter is 250. This parameter is optional for server and it can return fewer search results.

The frames property will contain an array of frame timestamps returned as json object.

The returned json response will contain the more Boolean property, which is used to specify if complete time interval is selected (false) or some frames were not returned because their timestamps maxed out.

Sample request:

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/contents/frames/SERVER1/DeviceIpint.2/

Sample response:

"frames" :
[ "20101230T103951.800", "20101230T103951.760", "20101230T103951.720" ],
"more" : false

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