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Configuration recovery is not guaranteed if the backup was created on a different version (including the build number).

The information about the product version on which the backup was created can be found in a JSON file in the configuration folder.


In order to restore a configuration, one of the following must be true:

  • The Server whose configuration you want to restore is on the same C-Werk domain as it was when the backup of its configuration was made.
  • The Server whose configuration you want to restore is not on any C-Werk domain.

To restore a configuration:

  1. On the main page of the Backup and Restore Utility, set the switch to the Restore position.

    A window then opens for configuring restoration of the configuration.
  2. In the field (1), specify the file containing the configuration backup.
  3. After the file is opened, the servers on the current domain are displayed in the other field (2). You can select a server in the list only if it is on the domain and the open file contains the corresponding backup. To start restoration, click the Next button. 
    Progress information is shown in the following window.
  4. When restoration is complete, a message informs of successful completion.
  5. To close the window, click the Close button.

Restoration of the configuration is now complete.


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