The scale of the surveillance window can be adjusted.
This can be done in one of three ways:
If you click a surveillance window, you can see the size control buttons on the right-hand side.
− increases the size of the surveillance window by one step.
− resets the size of the surveillance window.
When a surveillance window is enlarged, the scale of the entire layout is increased. Some of the cells are moved off the screen.
Surveillance windows are enlarged as follows:
The third case applies to layouts that contain nine or more cells.
If a surveillance window is linked to another one or an information board, at the first enlargement step (to 50%), the surveillance window and the other window/information board are displayed together and occupy all of the screen on one side.
In this case, the first step takes into account the total size of the related cells: the related cells must be less than 50% of both sides of the layout.
Also, if you click a surveillance window, you can control its size with the buttons on the top panel:
How to resize the surveillance window using a mouse: