To configure the joystick, do as follows:
Set the sensitivity for commands in <Sensitivity>0.2</Sensitivity>.
<HotKeysSchemaDeviceCommands> <CommandName>DiscreteZoomOut</CommandName> <HotKey>A2-</HotKey> <Sensitivity>0.2</Sensitivity> </HotKeysSchemaDeviceCommands>
The sensitivity values range from 0.0 (low sensitivity) to 1.0 (high sensitivity). Please see the commands that have sensitivity settings in the table.
Command | Command description |
DiscreteMoveXAxisRight | Pan right (Move right) |
DiscreteMoveXAxisLeft | Pan left (Move left) |
DiscreteMoveYAxisUp | Tilt up (Move up) |
DiscreteMoveYAxisDown | Tilt down (Move down) |
DiscreteZoomIn | Zoom in |
DiscreteZoomOut | Zoom out |
DiscreteFocusNear | Reduce the focal length |
DiscreteFocusFar | Increase the focal length |
DiscreteIrisOpen | Open the iris |
DiscreteIrisClose | Close the iris |
Do not set values outside the range and edit other parameters in the file.
Joystick configuration is now complete.
If the joystick is already configured and the specified file does not have the Sensitivity parameter, do as follows: