Previous page Configuring online facial recognition  Setting the automatic response to an identification of a recognized face against the list Next page

Follow the steps below:

  1. Select the Server object in the Devices tab.
  2. In the Face lists column, enter the name for the new list (1). 
  3. Set the minimum similarity percentage in the % column (2).

  4. Left-click anywhere on screen and press Apply.


    To delete a List of Persons, click the  button beside the list.

  5. To add reference images to the list, proceed to the facial search in Video Footage (see Face search).
  6. Select a still image or a face on a video frame.
  7. Press the  button and then select the List of Persons of your choice.


    Reference image lists are alphabetized.

  8. Add the necessary reference images to the list.

The List of Persons is now created.

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