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For Tag & Track Lite to work, you must activate object tracking in the viewing tile (see the Tracking objects section).

Tag & Track Lite works as follows:

  1. The operator left-clicks an object to start tracking it (the object is outlined with a white frame).
  2. After the selected object leaves the field of view of the camera, the video camera's location on the map and trajectory of the object are used to predict the camera in front of which the object is likely to appear.
  3. The viewing tile of that camera is activated. If the current layout does not contain that camera, a minimal layout with the camera is shown.


    If the viewing tile for that camera is currently in archive mode, the tile is switched to Live Video mode and made active.


    If video in the viewing tile of the original camera is magnified and the predicted camera is not in the layout, the viewing tile with the camera is made active and the same degree of digital zoom is applied.


    Tag & Track Lite merely predicts, and therefore cannot guarantee, that the object will appear in front of a given camera.

  4. To continue tracking the object, select it again in the camera window. 



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