Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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The timeline is a graphical representation of the time axis of the archive and is located in the middle part of the navigation panel.

The timeline contains indicators of the presence of recordings, or tracks.

Tracks are marked in different colors depending on the archive status:


Track color

Archive absent (1)


Archive present (2)


Archive present, input or detection tool activated (no alarm) (3)


Archive present, alarm active (4)



Pre-alarm recordings are white on the timeline, post-alarm footage is blue.


If video recordings overlap or coincide in time, the available footage is prioritized as follows:

  1. If there is recorded video, then red colored recordings have the highest priority and white ones have the least priority.
  2. Blue footage takes priority over white.

At the moment when an alarm is assigned a status (critical, non-critical, false, or unclassified), a flag is added to the track. A flag is added to the point on the timeline when the alarm began.

The flag is colored according to the alarm status:

  1. Green – false alarm.
  2. Yellow – non-critical alarm.
  3. Red – critical alarm.
  4. Gray – unclassified alarm.


Display of any particular alarm event in the list is determined by filter settings (see the section titled Events filter).

Operator comments are displayed with the corresponding icons on the track. An icon is placed on the timeline at the point corresponding to the commented frame (or to the first frame of the interval, if the comment is for an interval).

If comments were left during alarm classification, the icons are displayed in the appropriate colors.

You can scroll and zoom the timeline using the mouse.

To scroll the timeline, move the cursor on its background vertically while holding down the left mouse button. To change the scale of the timeline, right-click the timeline's background and, while holding down the right mouse button, move the cursor down to zoom out or up to zoom in.

The timeline lets you select at which moment to start playback of a recording in the viewing tile. To choose at which moment to begin playback, you can either left-click the indicator and hold it down while dragging it to the desired position, or just left-click the left portion of the timeline.

If there is no recording in the selected position, the indicator will automatically move to the position corresponding to the nearest recording.


You can also position the timeline indicator with the help of the events list (see the section Events List).