Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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General information about video component

The video component enables the remote control of the web client using a custom web page.

The video component allows you to:

  • Display live and archived video.
  • Play and stop the video in archive mode.
  • Go to a certain time in archive mode.

To use the video component, it is necessary to:

  1. Configure the web server (see Configuring the Web-Server).
  2. Add an iframe element to a custom web page.
  3. In this element, specify the web server address.

    <iframe src="" width="800px" height="600px" id="iframe"> test </iframe>
  4. Using the Web API, send the commands to the video component (see API for video component operation).

API for video component operation

The following types of commands are available:
  1. Select the video camera and its mode.

    type InitMessage = {type: 'init', mode: 'live' | 'archive', origin: string, time: Date, options?: Options}

    The options object allows you to control the archive panel hide it or show it.

    type Options = {archivePane?: boolean}

    The origin object corresponds to the VIDEOSOURCEID identifier (see Get list of video cameras and information about them).

  2. Select a different video camera in the video component. Usually used after the init command to change a video camera.

    type RelnitMessage = {type: 'relnit', mode: 'live' | 'archive', origin: string, time: Date, options?: Options}
  3. Switch between the archive and live video.

    type SwitchMode = {type: 'live' | 'archive'}
  4. Start and stop the video playback from the archive.

    type PlaybackCommand = {type: 'play' | 'stop'}
  5. Go to a certain time in the archive.

    type SetTimeCommand = {type: 'setTime', time: Date}
  6. Focus on the selected camera.

    type SetCameraCommand = {type: 'setCamera', origin: string}

Examples of commands

Play live video:
sendMessage({ type: 'init', mode: 'live', origin: 'SERVER1/DeviceIpint.1/'});

Go to the archive mode:

sendMessage({type: 'archive'})

Go to the live mode:

sendMessage({type: 'live'})

Start the playback of archive video:

sendMessage({type: 'play'})

Stop the video:

sendMessage({type: 'stop'})

Go to a certain time in archive mode:

sendMessage({type: 'setTime', time: new Date("2019-07-25 09:00:00")});


The date should be in ISO 8601 format.


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