Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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The icons on the map indicate the current status of the corresponding devices.

 The possible states of the video camera icon are described in the table below.

Map icon

Camera status

Camera disarmed, no archive recording

Camera disarmed, archive recording active

Camera armed, no archive recording

Camera armed, archive recording active

Camera alarm, archive recording active

Camera connection lost

The possible states of the Output icon are described in the table below.

Map icon

Output status

Output is activated

Output in normal status


When a macro changes the Output status, the Output icon on the map does not change.

The possible states of the Input icon are described in the table below.

Map icon

Input status

Video camera is armed, Input is in normal status

Video camera is armed, Input is in alarm status

Video camera is disarmed, Input is in normal status

Video camera is disarmed, Input is in alarm status

Inputs (sensors) connected to Tibbo boards also show temperature/humidity values on the map (see Setting up Tibbo relay/loop boards).