To create a new layout in the Web-Client, do as follows:
Click the
A layout will be created, displaying the video images from the cameras in real time from the list of the Cameras panel.
By default, the layouts display only active cameras. if you want the layout to display all available cameras, including inactive, disable the Show only live cameras parameter in the Web-Client settings (see Web-Client configuration).
You can add new columns or rows of cells using arrows on the layout boundaries (similar to the main Client, see Adding new cells to a layout).
Select the default stream for each video camera from the Quality list. Use the buttons at the top of the screen to select quality for all camera layouts.
The numbers above the quality buttons indicate the number of video streams of a certain quality.
In this example, there are three Surveillance windows on the layout: the stream quality is automatically selected in two windows (see Selecting video stream quality in a Surveillance window (GreenStream)), one window displays a high-quality video stream, and another window displays a low-quality video stream.
Click the Save button. To undo the layout creation, click the Cancel button.
The layout is created.
Double left-click the Surveillance window to open a temporary layout with this Surveillance window:
To return to the original view of the layout, double-click the Surveillance window again.