Make sure the following requirements are met for the correct operation of the Privacy masking detection tool:
- Camera requirements:
- Resolution is at least 320х240 pixels.
- Frame rate is at least 1 FPS.
- Camera shake shouldn't cause image shift greater than 1% of the frame size.
- Lighting requirements:
- Moderate lighting. The quality of analytics performance can be lower in conditions of low lighting (night) or excessive lighting (overexposure).
- No sudden changes in lighting.
- Scene and camera angle requirements:
- Moving objects must be visually separable from each other in the image.
- Background is mostly static and without sudden changes.
- Moving object should be minimally obscured by the stationary objects in the scene (columns, trees, etc.).
- Analytics may not work correctly on reflective surfaces and when there are sharp shadows from moving objects.
- Analytics may not work correctly on long, one-colored objects.
- Object images requirements:
- The digital noise and compression-related artifacts are minimal.
The width and height of the objects in the image must not be less than 1% of the frame size (if resolution is at least 1920x1080 pixels) or 15 pixels (at lower resolutions).
The width and height of the objects in the image must not exceed 75% of the frame size.
- The movement speed of the objects in the image must not be less than 1 pixel per second.
- To detect an object, the duration of its visibility must be at least 8 frames.