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C-Werk Cloud users and roles are synchronized with C-Werk (see Configuring user permissions). The user who connected the C-Werk domain is added to the admin role and will be available in C-Werk.

Users with the admin role in C-Werk Cloud can perform any actions with the C-Werk-domain. All other users will have view-only rights.

To allow a user to work with the C-Werk domain via C-Werk Cloud, do as follows:

  1.  On the Dashboard page, click the  icon in the C-Werk domain.
  2. Click the  button.
  3. Select an C-Werk Cloud user (1).
  4. Select the role you want to add the user to (2) from the list. To create a new role, enter the new role name in the field. 


    The role will be automatically created in C-Werk and will have minimal access rights.

  5. Click the Assign button.

To change the user role, click the button and select a new role. To delete the user, click .


When you grant or change access to the C-Werk domain, the user is notified by e-mail

To enable the user to edit multiple C-Werk domains, do as follows:

  1. On the Dashboard page, press and hold the CTRL key (on Windows and Linux, press CMD on Mac OS) and click on the required C-Werk domains.
  2. Click  in the upper-right corner.
  3. Then follow the procedure for adding a user for one domain. The list of roles will contain the roles of all selected C-Werk domains.
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