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GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/events/detectors/VIDEOSOURCEID/ENDTIME/BEGINTIME?limit=COUNT&offset=COUNT – gets the list of detection tool events. If limit is not specified, it is equal to 100. Field timestamp is not unique so passing of previously received alarms starting from the search interval can be requested.

Sample response:

"id": "433d45ec-0b7f-aa43-8491-c8acb7d0ac56"
,"source": "hosts/SERVER1/DeviceIpint.3/"
,"origin": "hosts/SERVER1/DeviceIpint.3/"
,"detectorId": "1"
,"type": "oneLine"
,"alertState": "ended"

,"multiPhaseSyncId" : "f5294404-7cf0-419e-b133-694edb08d69e"

,"timestamp": "20120314T121512.597"
"index": "1"
,"left": "0.622086710929871"
,"top": "0.68798337459564196"
,"right": "0.65736908435821495"
,"bottom": "0.79889315128326399"
"more": true


The multiPhaseSyncId parameter will be in the response only for two-phase alarms with alertState parameter.

In this response the VIDEOSOURCEID can be:

– as usual, consisting of three components, e.g. - "HOST/DeviceIpint.2/";

– host name to receive events from it;

– empty, i.e. be missing to receive all domain events.

Sample response:

http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/events/detectors/HOST/DeviceIpint.2/ - gets all videocamera events sorted descending. Maximum number is 10.

http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/events/detectors/HOST/past/future?limit=5&offset=0 - gets events of all detection tools created on the HOST machine. Maximum number by every detection is 5.

http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/events/detectors/HOST/past/future?limit=5&offset=0&type=Ray - gets events of all sensors created on the HOST machine. Maximum number by every sensor is 5.

http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/events/detectors/past/future?limit=1&type=Ray - gets the current state of all domain sensors.

Available values of type parameter:

- SceneChangeDetected;

- CameraBlindDetected;

- Disconnected;

- MotionDetected;

- NullAudio;

- NoiseAudio;

- SignalAudio;

- Ray;

- oneLine;

- comeInZone;

- lostObject;

- outOfZone;

- longInZone;

- moveInZone;

- stopInZone;

- faceAppeared;

- plateRecognized;

- BlurredDegradation;

- FireDetected;

- SmokeDetected.



If the non-included in the list value is received, then an embedded detection tool triggered.

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