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To configure Abandoned Object detection, do as follows:

  1. Select the Object Tracker object (1).
  2. In the Enable Abandoned Object Detection (2), select Yes
  3. If you require using the abandoned objects detection tool for longer time intervals, select Yes  for the corresponding parameter. 
  4. In the Alarm on Object's Max. Idle Time in the Area field (4),enter the maximum rest time of an object in seconds, after which the object is no longer detected. This value should be in the range [10, 1800].


    This parameter is used only for tracking "lost items", i.e objects abandoned for longer time intervals


     It is recommended to start by setting the value of this parameter at 10

  5. In the Sensitivity: abandoned object field (5), set the sensitivity for situational analytic tools for abandoned objects, on a scale of 5 to 30.


    This parameter depend on the lighting conditions and should be chosen empirically. It is recommended to start by setting the sensitivity at 20

  6. Under the Scene Analytics object, create the Abandoned Object Detection object (see Create Detection Tools).
  7. Click the Apply button.

Abandoned object detection is now configured.

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