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ANPR works properly if the following camera installation requirements are met (for a list of supported countries, visit the web-site of the recognition module's manufacturer):

  • character height is at least 15px, stroke width is at least 2px;
  • minimum allowable contrast for uniformly contaminated license plates should be at least 10% (contrasting visibility of characters relative to the background is 25 on a 256-point scale);
  • maximum allowable non-uniform contamination is no more than 12% (the ratio of the contaminated area to the total area of the license plate);
  • the geometric proportions of the image shall not deviate by more than 10% from the real geometric proportions of the license plate.

The camera setup is described in detail in the recognition module manufacturer's documentation.


the maximum speed of the vehicle shall not exceed 120 km/h.


When using the detector with Intellivision technology, take into account the requirements from the manufacturer's specification.

A list of supported countries is also provided in this document.

  • No labels