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Archive depth

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/statistics/depth/VIDEOSOURCEID/ENDTIME/BEGINTIME?threshold=7 - getting information about the archive depth starting at BEGINTIME and ending at ENDTIME.

VIDEOSOURCEID – identifier of endpoint source consisting of 3 components (HOSTNAME/ObjectType.Id/Endpoint.Name).

threshold - optional parameter. It is used to set treshold value (in days). When this treshold is crossed, intervals are not merged anymore. Default value is 1 day.


The ENDTIME and BEGINTIME syntax is described in Get MM archive contents section.

Sample request:

GET http://localhost:8000/archive/statistics/depth/SERVER1/DeviceIpint.23/

Sample response:

  "start": "20160823T141333.778000"
  ,"end": "20160824T065142"

where 20160823T141333.778000 - 20160824T065142 is a time interval for which arhive recordings are available. 

Recording capacity to specific camera archive

GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/statistics/capacity/VIDEOSOURCEID/ENDTIME/BEGINTIME - getting information about the recording capacity to specific camera archive starting at BEGINTIME and ending at ENDTIME.


The ENDTIME and BEGINTIME syntax is described in Get MM archive contents section.

Sample request:

 GET http://IP-Address:port/prefix/archive/statistics/capacity/SERVER1/DeviceIpint.23/

Sample response:

  "size": 520093696
  ,"duration": 32345

where size - archive size (in bytes) over the specified period;

duration - archive duration (in seconds) over the specified period.

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