You can launch the network settings utility from the Windows Start menu: Start → All Programs → C-Werk → Utilities → Network settings.
The utility allows you to:
Set the external IP address or DNS name of the router if the Server is located behind the NAT (1).
You may set multiple interfaces using a comma separated list, such as: "IP Address1 or DNS Name1, IP address2 or DNS Name2".
For example:,
Set the port range for operation of the C-Werk Server (2-3). To do this, specify the beginning of the range and the number of ports. The number of ports should not be lower than 20.
Within an Domain, the port ranges of Servers should not overlap.
The number of ports that you select affects the scalability of the system. Keep the following in mind when specifying the number of ports:
After you save the settings, the Server will be restarted.