Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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Use of the timeline is described in detail in the section The Timeline.

You can select recordings in the archive for playback in a viewing tile by using the timeline, in one of two ways:

  1. Left-click the indicator and drag it to the corresponding position on the timeline. Alternatively, you can left-click the left portion of the timeline.


    The position on the timeline is a graphical representation of a specific moment in time.

    The frame corresponding to the selected position (moment in time) will then be displayed in the viewing tile.


    If the system clock is shifted back one hour (for example, in winter saving), the videos from the lost hour will disappear from the timeline but remain accessible.

    For example, at 3 PM the clock is shifted back one hour. If you place the timeline marker anywhere after 02:00:00, videos shot after the shift will be played back.

    If you set the marker to 01:59:59 or earlier, videos shot from 01:59:59 to 02:59:59 (time stamped before the shift) will be played back. 

  2. Click the indicator. The calendar opens. Select the date to which you want to jump in the archive and specify the time in HH:MM:SS format, by using the arrows or keyboard number keys.


    The Tab key can be used to navigate across various elements of the Calendar.

You are then taken to the specified point in the archive.

If one video camera is in archive mode and you move the indicator to a point for which there is no video, the indicator will automatically go to the video for the closest point in time. If two or more video cameras are in archive mode, you will not be taken to the video for the closest point in time; the message No archive will be shown on screen.

To play back the selected recording, use the playback panel (see the section titled Navigating Using the Playback Panel).