Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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This action initiates an alarm in the system and starts recording to the archive.

To configure the action, do the following:

  1. Configure the conditions to start a macro (see Configuring filters for event-driven macros).
  2. Select the alarm initiating mode (1, always or only when there are no other active alarms on the specified camera).

  3. Select a camera or group of cameras, on which you want to initiate an alarm (2). An implicit selection of a camera is also allowedCamera that initiated command execution (see Configuring filters for event-driven macros).


    If the start of the macro was triggered by the activation of input or output (see Configuring filters for event-driven macros) that is not connected to any camera, you need to select a specific camera for this action. If you select a group of cameras or a camera that initiated the macro, the action will not start.

  4. If you selected a group of cameras or an Domain in the previous step, set the Random (3) checkbox to initiate an alarm on a random camera from this group/Domain.

  5. Select an archive to record to (4).
  6. Select the alarm priority (5). The higher the priority of the alarm, the higher it will be placed in the list on the Alarms Panel.
  7. Select the scope of roles, the users of which will be able to see the alarm initiated by the macro (6). If you don't specify any role in the Scope field, the alarm will be displayed for all users.
  8. Select alarm assessments, after receiving which the operator must enter a comment (7).
  9. In the Time period of operator reaction to alarm field, specify the time within which the alarm must be taken into processing, otherwise it will be assigned the Skipped status (8). The minimum value is 2 minutes.


    You can configure the Mandatory comment and Time period of operator reaction to alarm fields in the system settings (see Configuring Alarm processing). If you specify these fields in the macro settings, the system settings will be ignored only for the alarms initiated by this macro. 

  10. Enter the time in seconds by which the alarm flag will be shifted back relative to the time when the event that started the macro was received (9).


    If the alarm flag position is set, the event that was just taken into processing will be played back from the moment corresponding to the flag position, and not from the alarm start.

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