Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

Previous page Configuring the Detection Zone  Settings specific to Cross Line Detection Next page

You can set a number of parameters that describe the objects that should cause a trigger for each Scene analytics detection tool.

To configure the settings of the detected objects, do the following:

  1. Select the corresponding Scene analytics detection tool.
  2. Set the maximum and minimum height of the object that should cause a trigger as a percentage of the frame size (1, 4). The values should be in the range [0,05; 100].
  3. Set the maximum and minimum speed per second of the object that should cause a trigger as a percentage of the frame size (2, 6). The values should be in the range [0; 500].


    In C-Werk speed is a conditional value. It is calculated using the values of different dimensions. The speed calculation algorithm takes into account both the frame width and the frame height.

    For visual understanding of the speed values, it is recommended to go to the speed configuration when searching in the archive (see Configuring minimum and maximum object speed).


    These parameters are not set for the Abandoned object detection tool.

  4. Set the maximum and minimum width of the object that should cause a trigger as a percentage of the frame size (3, 5). The values should be in the range [0,05; 100].
  5. Select the class of the object that should cause a trigger (7).


    A Group is a group of two or more people moving beside each other for some time. If you select this class of object, the detection tool will not trigger, if it detects the movement of one person. If you select the Human class, the detection tool will not trigger, if it detects the movement of several people beside each other.

  6. Set a color (or color range) of the object that should cause a trigger:
    1. In the Object color field (8) click the button. The Object color dialog box opens.
    2. Set the color range of the object with drag-and-drop on the RGB or black-and-white color palette.


      Any click on the palette is interpreted as the beginning of a new range. The previous range will disappear.

      To cancel a selected color, click on any palette, save the changes, and click the Apply button.


      C-Werk logic treats all objects as monochrome. The object color in C-Werk is an average of all object colors on the video image.

      All objects of the specified colors will be detected. If no object color is set, the detection tool will trigger to objects of any color.

  7. Set the X-axis offset and Y-axis offset as a percentage of the track area to specify the detection tool triggering area (9, 10). The values should be in the range [1; 50].
  8. Click the Apply button.

Configuring the detected objects is complete.

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