Documentation for C-Werk 2.0.

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The Web-Server allows accessing C-Werk remotely over the Internet (see Working with C-Werk through the Web-Client).


  • On the local computer with the Web-Server running, ports from the range [9001; 9001 + number of logical cores of the processor] must be open.
  • Except for H.264 format, the Web-Server transcodes the incoming video image using the MJPEG compression algorithm, which can result in high levels of incoming traffic.

To configure the Web-Server in C-Werk, do the following:

  1. Select a Server object.
  2. By default, the Web-Server starts automatically together with the Server. If you want to disable the Web-Server, set the value of the Enable parameter to No (1).

  3. In the Port field, enter the port number on which the Web-Server will be located (2).

  4. To connect to the Web-Server via the SSL port only, do the following:
    1. Enter the SSL port number to connect to the Web-Server (7).
    2. Specify a path to the private key file (6).
    3. Specify a path to the certificate file (3).


      • C-Werk supports SSL certificates in PEM format with TLS encryption v 1.2 and 1.3 and AES GCM, AES CCM and AES CBC algorithms.
        The public key must be in CRT format, the private key must be in KEY format.
      • If the private key file and certificate file are not specified in the Web-Server settings, the connection to the Web-Server will be made via HTTP Port only.
  5. If the Web-Server should use the CORS mechanism, enable the corresponding parameter (4).
    C-Werk supports the following:

    1. CORS HTTP-headers for GET and POST requests.

    2. Preflight requests.

  6. If the Web-Server must transcode the stream, enable the corresponding parameter (5). By default, the Web-Server doesn’t transcode the stream, which helps to avoid unpredictable CPU load on the Server. For example, if the browser cannot playback a video in H.265 format, you must switch to a browser-supported video codec (see Real-time video surveillance in the Web-Client) or change the video codec of the camera to the video codec supported by the browser (see The Camera object).
  7. In the URL path field, enter the prefix that is added to the Server address (8).
  8. Click the Apply button to apply the configured parameters and restart the Web-Server.

The Web-Server is now configured and available over the Internet at the following address: http://<IP address of C-Werk Server>:<Port>/<Prefix>. For example, if the Servers IP address is, the port is 8000, and the prefix is /asip-api, then the Web-Server can be accessed at the following address: